
Te Pire mō O-Rākau Submissions  

Mauri ora e te iwi, Several weeks ago, representatives of Ngā Ahi e Toru (Maniapoto, Raukawa me Waikato) travelled to Te Pane o Te Ika, to view the First Reading. Public submissions are now being...

First Aid Certification

Kia ora katoa, The wellbeing of our people is at the forefront of our mahi, and Te Nehenehenui recognises First Aid Certification as a vital life skill to help meet the needs of the community around...

Te Nehenehenui Intern Trustee appointed

Te Nehenehenui Chair, Peter Douglas has today announced the appointment of Tyler Paki-Te Huia (Mangatoatoa & Mōtiti Marae) as the successful candidate for the Intern Trustee role on the Te...

Media statement – O-Rākau 160th Commemoration 

 Tainui Waka representatives (comprising of Waikato-Tainui, Te Nehenehenui and Raukawa Settlement Trust) are working collaboratively on behalf of their respective iwi to host the 160th...

Te Nehenehenui appoint governance group members

Te Nehenehenui Chair, Peter Douglas has today announced the appointment of four talented members to the wider governance group. Dave Letele (Te Kōpua Marae) and Paula Baker have been appointed as...

Communications Manager

Te Nehenehenui’s vision is to be an effective, responsive organisation utilising its resources responsibly to meet the needs and aspirations of our people and to provide for future...

ECE Qualified Kaiako

Te Pukeiti Early Childhood Centre (TPECC) is a licensed 50 place early learning centre based in Te Kūiti and operated by Te Nehenehenui. We have a Full time Qualified Kaiako position available, Monday...

Te Rōpū Kaumātua

Te Mauri o Maniapoto Hui...

Kia Takatū – Colouring competition!

To support Emergency resilience, Te Nehenehenui are providing a chance to win multiple give aways ofEmergency packs, first aid kits, vouchers and tamariki activity packs. How to enter:– Print...