On Monday, Te Nehenehenui signed the Joint Management Agreement (JMA) with Local Councils; a requirement under the Ngā Wai o Maniapoto (Waipā River) Act 2012 and the Maniapoto Claims Settlement Act 2022.
The JMA provides a foundation for Te Nehenehenui and Local Councils (Waitomo, Waipā, Ōtorohanga, Waikato District and Waikato Regional) to strengthen partnerships and perform functions, powers, and duties, under the Resource Management Act 1991.
The signing comes at a significant time for our people as it coincides with the one-year anniversary of Te Rangiwaituhi (Maniapoto Deed of Settlement Ceremony) held at Te Kūiti Pā on the 4th December 2022.
“Although we (the Establishment Trustees) picked up the batten at that time, with a lot of the mahi already completed, it was an incredible honour and privilege to have been a part of the journey. It was a once in a lifetime experience for our generation and the beginning of a new era for our iwi” says Deputy Chair, Bella Takiari-Brame.
Te Nehenehenui Chair, Peter Douglas says the combined efforts from kaimahi and trustees in the last year have placed Te Nehenehenui in a strong position for the next phase of the journey.
“Our newly elected trustees are now in place, and we are fortunate to look back over the last 40 years at the pathway paved by our previous Boards” he says.
Te Nehenehenui & Councils will explore how the scope of the JMA can be extended to other statutory functions of the Councils to create alignment between our long-term strategy, Te Kawau Rukuroa and the delivery of our Punga (Five-year plan) activities that delivers social, cultural, and environmental outcomes across our rohe and for our people.
“We are committed to working together to ensure programmes developed under this agreement are implemented in a way that integrates practical outcomes and long-term sustainability for our taiao” says Mr Douglas.
The special images below share photos from the JMA signing and Te Rangiwaituhi.