Te Nehenehenui Chair, Peter Douglas has today announced the appointment of Tyler Paki-Te Huia (Mangatoatoa & Mōtiti Marae) as the successful candidate for the Intern Trustee role on the Te Nehenehenui Board.
The function of the Intern Trustee is to provide the opportunity to participate as a Board member and gain access to institutional knowledge, obtain governance and management mentoring, learn about, and understand strategy and the inner workings of Te Nehenehenui.
Tyler is Rotorua based and currently an associate (lawyer) at Kāhui Legal, providing legal and strategic advice to Māori land owning entities, iwi entities and various other Māori groups. She has a strong desire for the development of our iwi and is committed to returning home often, to give back to her marae and hapū. Tyler is also a member of the Te Nehenehenui rangatahi group; Te Rōpū Rangatahi.
Mr Douglas welcomes Tyler to the Board and says it will give her direct hands-on governance experience.
“It’s important we provide an opportunity for our rangatahi to work alongside experienced governors where good practice, tikanga and the aspirations of our people are at the forefront of all discussions. This is intergenerational thinking and succession planning in action.”
Tyler will participate on the Te Nehenehenui Board and engage in matters relating to both the commercial and charitable arms; Ahuahu Group Limited and Waihikurangi Trust.
Her appointment will take effect as of Tuesday 9 April 2024 for a one-year term. A new intern trustee will be appointed in April 2025.