He Pānuitanga ki te Iwi
Ahiahi mārie e te iwi, thank you to all our whānau who joined us in-person at Mangatoatoa Marae and online via our livestream as we presented he rīpoata ā-tau a Te Nehenehenui (2022/23 Te Nehenehenui Annual Report), he pūrongo pūtea (financial statements) and the results of the 2023 Te Nehenehenui Elections.
We would like to acknowledge our establishment trustees who led us through the transition from the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board to Te Nehenehenui, in particular our trustees who are not continuing on, Daniel Te Kanawa, Gabrielle Morgan-Logan, Tom Roa, Wikitōria Tāne and Tame Tuwhangai for their service to the people.
The overall voter return was 21.75%, being 4,202 votes received from 19,317 eligible electors, of whom 64.26% voted online and 35.74% voted by post or at the waahi pooti.
Congratulations to all successful candidates and we look forward to the leadership your provide our iwi over the coming years as we work united towards our Kawau Rukuroa vision.

To view the Hui ā-Tau Livestream – Click here
To view the Annual Report – Click here
Mauri ora!