6pm, Tuesday, 23rd August

6pm, Tuesday, 23rd August
Kennedy Park Resort, 11 Storkey St

Ki ngā whānau katoa o Te Nehenehenui

Ki ngā rangatira, ki ngā hapū, ki ngā tāne, ki ngā wahine me ngā tamariki!

Tātou, kei ngā rohe o te motu, tātou, kei ngā whenua o te Ao, kia ora huihui tātou katoa!

Following on from the signing of our Deed of Settlement in November 2021, Te Nehenehenui Trust (the Trust) has been focused on establishing the Trust and transitioning from the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board (MMTB) to the post settlement governance entity (PSGE) Te Nehenehenui Trust.

As we move to the next phase, our team and trustees will be engaging with our whānau on our five-year plan, what our future could look like and how we should move towards our collective goals.

In August, we will be holding iwi engagement hui across the motu, including a visit to our people in Brisbane and Sydney. These hui will provide an opportunity for whānau to provide input towards our collective aspirations moving forward. During the hui, we will outline the Trust structure, our priorities and timeframes, as well as look to provide more information about the coming election process for Te Nehenehenui Trustees.