We invite whānau to join our upcoming Hui ā-Iwi from 10am, Sunday 23rd March, hosted at Waikato Innovation Park, Kirikiriroa (Hamilton).
As mentioned in our latest CEO video update, the upcoming Hui ā-Iwi will be focused on the Deferred Selection Properties (DSP) and Ngā Kura Tau elections.
Time: 10am
Date: Sunday, 23rd March 2025
Venue: Park Central, Waikato Innovation Park, 1 Melody Lane, Hamilton
10.00am – Karakia / Mihi whakatau
10.15am –
- Te Nehenehenui update
- Ngā Kura Tau Election update
- Deferred Selection Properties (DSP) process
11.15am – Pātai
12.00pm – Kai o te rānui
A livestream will be available on our Facebook page for those who are unable to attend in person.