Te Nehenehenui is pleased to advise that the Grants and Distributions announced at Hui ā-Tau are now open!

In 2022, Te Nehenehenui held engagement hui across the motu and Australia. This mahi provided invaluable data and insights for us to set solid foundations from which Te Kawau Rukuroa was created.

Te Nehenehenui is pleased to share the categories for grants and distributions for our people via our online applications process. Our team have worked incredibly hard to create the process and design the forms that enable us to bring Whakatopū to life as we focus on whānau, marae and hapū.

“We are fortunate for all the hard work and effort put in by our previous leaders and board mebers, including the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board, who creted the base from where we are starting. With the support from our charitable mata,Waihikurangi Trust, we can now work on making these grants and distributions available to our people making a difference for our whānau, marae and hapū” – Sam Mikaere, Tumu Whakarae.

The categories are guided by Te Whatu Muturangi, the 2050 vision for Maniapoto, underpinned by Ngā Uara.

Mātauranga, Education, Skills & Workforce – ECE to Tertiary education or Vocational training

Cultural – Kapahaka, Te Reo, Kīngitanga, Wānanga, Taiao

Prosperity – Support for Ngā Whare o Te Nehenehenui, Advisory Rōpū (Kaumātua, Rangatahi, Aka Whawhau), Marae, Pātaka

Te Nehenehenui is committed to maintaining the wellbeing of our people, now and in the future.
For more information, and to apply, please click here