Kura Tau - Candidates 2023
Disclaimer Statement: Each candidate profile has been provided by the applicable candidate. Te Nehenehenui and the Returning Officer accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the content, contained in each candidate profile statement.
Te Whare o Waiwaiā
Election of ONE (1) Trustee
MANIAPOTO Maria Pareraukawa Te Huia
Maria is of Ngāti Paretekawa (Mangatoatoa) and Ngai Tūhoe descent (Ngāti Rongo). She has a Diploma in Māori Studies, Bachelor of Arts degree, and Masters of Education from Victoria University of Wellington. Maria is an independent researcher with experience in health and Māori education research. She has contributed to several research reports and published works. She is a Managatoatoa marae Trustee and currently involved in drafting a Marae development plan. She is also a member of the Tokanui Action Roopu and was involved in writing the Cultural Impact Assessment report for the demolition and remediation of the former psychiatric hospital site. Maria’s passions include Marae development, preservation historical iwi,hapū,whānau manuscripts and writing. Maria is a grandmother of 5, mother of 3 and she currently works at the Ministry of Education in Te Rapa.
If i were a successful candidate for the Ngā Kura Tau position I would bring a broad range of skill sets, I am not afraid to challenge the status quo, I will follow in the footsteps of my tipuna and strongly advocate to improve outcomes for our people.
E te iwi, ko te mokopuna o Peehi rāua ko Maria Maniapoto e tono ana mo tēnei mahi.
MORGAN Gabrielle
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato Maniapoto te Iwi
Ko Ngati Pourahui raua
Ko Ngati Parewaeono oku hapu.
Ko Turitea me Te Keeti oku marae
Gabrielle Kuiahine Morgan-Logan
Iwi/Hapu Affiliation
Ngati Parewaeono/Ngati Pourahui/Ngati Urunumia
I am a Caregiver of a special young man and have cared for him most of his life
Current Qualifications
Commissioner for Environment
Engaged as a kaiawhina in Kohanga reo for over 25 years.
Trustee on Maniapoto Maori Trust Board 2012 – 2018, 2021 – 2022
Establishment Trustee on Te Nehenehenui Trust 2022 – 2023
Personal Interests
The main interest in my life has been whanau and marae
Community Involvement
Trustee of 2 Marae and various land blocks
Volunteer – Pataka Kai (Food Distribution – Otorohanga and wider community
Member of “Waipa Rere Noa Restoration Project”
Advisor to: Otorohanga District Council “Te Ara O Waiwaia”
Support to: Otorohanga Mayoral projects in reference to Cultural Concept Plans
Trustee Te Keeti & Turitea Marae
Candidate Statement
I am standing as a Kura Tau Trustee for Te Whare o Waiwaia. I have a strong connection and commitment with all my whanau and marae and strive to ensure their whakairo and aspirations are delivered.
Te Whare ki Ngā Tai o Kāwhia
Election of ONE (1) Trustee
KAATI John Reihana
Taku manu rere moana kei Te Hauauru, Kawhia moana, Kawhia kai, Kawhia tangata.
Haapu Affiliation:
Urunumia, Uekaha, Kinohaku, Taheke, Waiora, Hikairo, Ngutu.
Marae Affiliation:
Te Kotahitanga. Apakura, Rakaunui, Mokau Kohunui.
Hauturu Waipuna C Trust, Te Riurua Farm Trust, Te Motu Island Reserve, Maniapoto Maori Trust Board, Te Kotahitanga Marae, Apakura Taheke Trust.
Present – semi-retired farmer
Past – quarrying with mining and blasting certificate, domestic and wastewater treatment certificate.
Community Involvement:
Ward Member to the Waitomo District Council 1986–2004
I’m self-employed and live at Te Waitere. I’m a current Te Nehenehenui Trustee.
I was involved in the development of Maniapoto in 1986/87 resulting in the birth of the present board, and later instigated the inclusion of Nga Tai O Kawhia as the seventh region.
Candidate Statement:
Maniapoto is on the threshold of positive development. I’ll continue to support Maniapoto aspirations of sustainability growth and prosperity.
– promote and support whanau/iwi well-being
– support well researched regional development and enterprises
– be robust and transparent in approaches to treaty settlements
Our future of self-determination and development must be lead with strong leadership equally a new iwi ratified tribal entity must be bounded by a sustainable clear robust management process.
Ko Pirongia te maunga
Ko Kawhia te moana
Ko Maniapoto te iwi
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Ngāti Ngutu, Ko Ngati Hikairo ōku hapū
Ko Te Mānia, Ko Waipapa ōku marae
Ko George Hemoata Nelson rāua ko Margaret Awhitia Tāmihana ōku mātua
I am the daughter of George and Margaret Nelson.
We were raised at Pukeinoi in Rākaunui and the surrounding areas of Kawhia moana.
Living fully off the land and moana as a whanau, the knowledge of my father and his love for the moana has instilled the aroha and absolute respect that I have for our whenua and moana o Kawhia.
I am an active member of Rākaunui Marae working committee.
I held a position as an executive committee member on Te Runanga o Ngāti Hikairo and was responsible for the portfolio of Hapū Development.
I am very passionate about the wellbeing of our Kaumātua and community and have supported many local organizations including Te Papanui, Enderly Community Centre
My vision like my father’s, is the preservation of our whenua and moana o Kawhia for our future generations. To maintain and uphold the values handed down to me so that I may pass those onto the next generation.
Te Whare Hau-ā-Uru ki Uta
Election of ONE (1) Trustee
BARRETT Anthony Tawhiwhi
Ko Kurukuru Barrett toku papa, no Ngati Uekaha
Ko Tana Tangitehau Te Kanawa toku koroua
Ko Kathleen Te Ata Ormsby toku mama, no Ngati Rora
Ko Ngapaki Turner toku kuia.
Ko Anthony Tawhiwhi Barrett taku ingoa.
Tena koutou, tena tatou katoa.
Mahi: Brobono Ltd. Health and Safety Consultants.
Relevant Qualifications: Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor, Policy writer, Researcher, Author, Hearings Commissioner (graduate August 2023)
Interests: Matauranga Maori, Marae Development, Environmental Sustainability.
Current community Involvement: Heavily involved with the team at Pohatuiri Marae to make our Marae fully functional focusing on infrastructure and matauranga. Work in collaboration with people representing many Marae to improve our Matauranga.
Candidate Statement: Tuatahi nga mihi ki a Ronald Takerei the other candidate who put his hand up to represent Te Whare ki Hauaauru ki Uta. Tena koe e hoa.
I am motivated to join Nga Kura Tau due to my sincere interest in the prosperity of Te Nehenehenui. My focus lies in the development of our people, ensuring access to essential infrastructure and resources, promoting growth in education, health, and home care. I am passionate about creating continual pathways for rangatahi to thrive, offering them opportunities for personal and professional development.
Thank you for your vote.
Ko Ronald Takerei (Gray) tooku ingoa.
I am the current Mirumiru paa ki Marokopa Representative and the current Te Whare Hauaauru ki Uta secretary.
Te Whare Hauaauru ki Uta is a collective of seven marae within the Waitomo District Council (WDC) and the Waikato Regional Council (WRC) area, consisting of Marokopa, Pohatuiri, Kaputuhi, Te Kauae, Te Korapa Tuu and Rereamanu.
I affiliate with Huiao, Te Kanawa, Kinohaku and Te Peehi to which, have connections to Oparure paa, Mirumiru paa ki Marokopa, Rereamanu paa, Te Kauae paa and Te Korapa Tuu paa.
I am the current Te Whare Hauaauru ki Uta Trustee Representative to the Te Nehenehenui Trust, our Mandated Iwi Authority.
As the paa representative for the last twelve years and the support from our paa and our Whare marae representatives, we have engaged with.
• The Waitomo District Council
• Waikato Regional Council
• Department of Conservation
• Fisheries NZ
• Resource consent applicants
• NZ Petroleum & Minerals
This is currently my second term as the Mandated Iwi Authority representative.
My family and I have always supported our wider marae and whanau members within our rohe in the past, currently and continually into the future.
Te Whare ki Rereahu
Election of ONE (1) Trustee
Ko Tamakaiuru ki te rangi
Ko rereahu ki te whenua
Mai Rangitoto ki Tuhuna
Ko te Pureora o Kahu te maunga
Ko Waimiha te awa
Ko Mangapaeehi te pa
Ko Tuwhakahekaeao te hapū
Ko Rereahu te iwi
Ko Mary Tapu tooku ingoa
E ngā mana
E ngaa karangaranga maha
Mai ngaa toopito o Rereahu otira ngaa huanga katoa o Te Nehenehenui a kura tau rep for Te Whare o Rereahu and been nominated also for kura rere.
Acknowledge those past and present, to accept the nominations to Kura Rere (General Elections) nominee, as a current trustee of Mangapehi I also acknowledge my Marae, their guidance for me to go forward to Kura Tau, within Te Whare ki Rereahu.
Building infrastructure on Mangapehi, improving facilities has kept me grounded on our Marae, the process is simple when we all move together united. When keeping our future generations in mind collectively the formula becomes simple.
The voice of all our people is paramount and with those actioning that voice. It would be a privilege to participate at the table of decision making.
He waka eke noa – We are all in this together.
No reira tena koutou tena koutou Katoa
TE RETI Jack (Wharekoka)
Ko Nga Puhi Maunga
Ko Waimiha Awa
Ko Tainui Waka
Ko Waimiha Pa
Ko Te Ihingarangi Iwi
Ko Turakiwai Hapu
Ko Jackie Te Reti (Wharekoka) toku ingoa
Iwi and Hapu affiliations are to Rereahu Iwi, Te Ihingarangi Iwi, Maniapoto iwi including many more, through my Great Grandfather Hoani Wharekoka who married Hema Taehuri Rangawhenua whose lineage is back to Te Ihingarangi.
Occupation: Mico Plumbing Branch Manager
Previous occupations: Operations Manager Bunnings Botany,
Kāinga Ora – critical housing needs throughout South / East Auckland.
Plumber, Drainlayer & Gas fitter by trade.
Business Diploma – Australia (Bunnings Programme)
Housing New Zealand – Level 4 Social Housing
Trade Plumber / Drainlayer / Gas Fitter
Personal Interests:
Family – my world, my taonga is the betterment and well being of family both personal and extended.
The Waitangi Settlement process involved many hours, weekends taken away, however where possible I supported my children’s activities in school and home.
There is no singular action or statement except “Kotahitanga” to express we must work collectively and collaboratively, achieve outcomes that are aligning to each other’s. Not everything will be achieved immediately and not all will be agreed, but it is the foundation to begin.