
In the coming weeks we will begin our election process for the seven Kura Tau trustees to Te Nehenehenui.

Ngā Kura Tau consists of seven appointments representing each whare o Te Nehenehenui.

Ngā Kura Rere consists of six appointments, as generally elected members.

Te Kura Kaumātua consists of one appointment from te Rōpū Kaumātua, known as Te Mauri o Maniapoto.

We encourage all whānau to participate in this election process so you are represented both within Ngā Whare o Te Nehenehenui and on the Te Nehenehenui Board. 

Election Details 

All Te Nehenehenui Adult Registered Members are eligible to participate in the election process however, for the Kura Tau elections you will be required to have nominated a ‘primary whare’ for voting purposes. 

If you are not sure if you have a primary whare or would like to check your details, you can either log in to Kākaho or contact our team on 0800 668 285 or tribalregister@tnn.co.nz

Key dates

9 o Hune (June) 2025
Hui ā-Marae completed

16 o Hune (June) 2025
Kura Tau candidates confirmed

28 o Hūrae (July) 2025
Te Nehenehenui Elections – OPEN

5 o Hepetema (September) 2025

Te Nehenehenui Elections – CLOSE

Ngā Whare o Te Nehenehenui

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

All adult registered members (18 years and over) are eligible to vote in the election process. 

There is still time for you to register, please head to the link below:


Once the current trustees complete their term, the newly elected trustees will begin their term on the Te Nehenehenui Board. 

Kura Rere – You can vote for up to SIX candidates.

Kura Tau – You can vote for ONE candidate to represent your whare. 

“Te Rōpū Whakahaere” is a group of Representatives appointed by Marae, for a Whare o Te Nehenehenui. There are seven Whare o Te Nehenehenui, formerly known as Regional Management Committees (RMC’s).

Kura Tau (Whare election)

Election occurring in 2025
Ngā Kura Tau will be comprised of seven trustees, one from each Whare o Te Nehenehenui.

The purpose of the Rōpū Whakahaere shall be to advise the Trustees and support the activities of Te Nehenehenui at a regional level.

Adult registered members can vote for up to one (1) Kura Tau Representative, within your nominated Whare o Te Nehenehenui.

Kura Rere (General election)

Election occurring in 2026

Ngā Kura Rere will be comprised of six trustees generally elected by Adult Registered Members. 

Adult registered members can vote for up to six (6) Kura Rere representatives.