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Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto Charitable Trust joins Te Nehenehenui

JOINT PRESS RELEASE                                                                                                1 July 2023

Ko te Whitu o Matariki e tārewa ana i te rangi he tohu whakamānawa i te tau hou māori, nau mai ngā hua pai o te tau, kia māturuturu iho ki te pae o te whenua.

He aha kōia hoki e pāheke nei i aku kamo, he tangi roimata, he kuatau ki ō tātou mate huhua o te wā, whoatu rā koutou ki te toi-o-ngā-rangi, ki a Pūanga, te kaitāhia o te tau tawhito, tauwehe te pō ka pō, naumai te ao ka ao, tīhei mauri ora ki te wheiao ki te ao mārama.

Kei ngā arero ketekete, kei ngā ringa mākohakoha o te whare o te nehenehenui, kia ora katoa.

Te Nehenehenui is pleased to announce the bringing together of local iwi media communications hub – Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto and Te Nehenehenui.

This move is a result of extensive and thorough discussions between the two organisations, combining more than 30 years of history, expertise and resources. 

Although Te Nehenehenui (and Maniapoto Māori Trust Board as the previous mandated iwi authority) has always held the radio license to Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto, this collaborative approach will see both establishments providing an increased service to the iwi.

Te Nehenehenui Chair, Bella Takiari-Brame says they are excited to embark on this new chapter with Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto.

“This is an opportunity to amplify our voice and strengthen our connection to our people. Together, we will continue to provide platforms where whānau voice and narratives can be shared.”

While the radio network will remain an independent broadcaster, Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto Chair, Steve Rickards, says this is a positive step in the right direction.

“This will enable Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto to effectively meet, and exceed, the demands of exponential growth in the ever-changing digital landscape and build on the strength of our radio station, which gives our people a voice and a platform to promote te reo me ona tikanga.”

The name; Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto/Maniapoto FM will remain.  Radio frequencies, shows and social media content will not change.

Bella Takiari-Brame                                  Steve Rickards

CHAIR | Te Nehenehenui                        CHAIR | Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto Charitable Trust

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