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Te Nehenehenui appoint governance group members

Te Nehenehenui Chair, Peter Douglas has today announced the appointment of four talented members to the wider governance group.

Dave Letele (Te Kōpua Marae) and Paula Baker have been appointed as independent trustees of Waihikurangi Trust, the Charitable Arm of Te Nehenehenui.

Dave has a strong drive for community development and leads his own programme working with youth, Māori and Pacific Island whānau focused on educating and supporting communities that struggle with various health issues.

Paula is an existing member of Waihikurangi with a depth of governance experience across multiple sectors. She has a passion for health and community development and developing sustainable and resilient communities through clear strategies and direction.

Waihikurangi Chair, Rachael Tuwhangai is thrilled to have new trustees that are both committed to serving the iwi and driven by a genuine and sincere desire to help our people.

“We have an amazing, committed, and motivated Board who want to do well for and with our whānau, marae, hapū and iwi. Through the appointment process, both Paula and Dave exemplified ‘mōkaitanga’; their willingness to serve unconditionally and lead with humility. We’re so pleased to have them both join the Waihikurangi Board.”

Nanaia Mahuta (Te Kūiti Pā) and Dean Nikora (Kaputuhi Marae) have been appointed to Ahuahu Group Limited, the Commercial Arm of Te Nehenehenui, as independent directors.

Nanaia brings extensive governance experience and iwi knowledge with her, serving as lead negotiator for the Maniapoto Treaty Settlement from 2016-2017.

Eager to contribute back to his iwi, Dean has a strong background in governance, leadership and commerce.

Ahuahu Group Chair, Craig Barrett, is excited to have both Nanaia and Dean join the Board.

“Dean’s commercial skillset and track record of success in business strategy, investment management and corporate governance make him well-suited to strengthen the interests and aspirations of our people.”

“Through Nanaia’s many roles, she has demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic thinking,

with a strong commitment to fostering sustainable growth. Her expertise and relationships skills will be a valuable addition to Ahuahu Group Limited” says Mr Barrett.

“I welcome Dave, Dean and Nanaia into their new roles and congratulate Paula on her re-appointment. They each offer a diverse set of skills that will complement their respective Boards well” says Mr Douglas.

All appointments take effect as of 4th March for a 3-year term.

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