Site icon Te Nehenehenui

Employment opportunity – Cultural Delivery Lead / Reo Delivery Lead

E karanga atu ana ki te hunga e ngākaunui ana ki te tuku ihotanga o tō tātou reo me ngā taonga whakarere i ō tātou tūpuna hei painga mō te iwi, hei oranga ake mō ngā whakatupuranga e haere mai ana, tēnā, tonongia mai rā.

The vision of Te Nehenehenui (TNN) is to be an effective, responsive organisation utilising its resources responsibly to meet the needs and aspirations of our people and to provide for future generations.

TNN is expanding as we implement our 5-year strategy and start to develop and deliver the programs of work. Within our Taonga, Tikanga and Reo team we are looking for two motivated kaimahi to support our GM execute the current programs of work such as Pākōwhai Oratory Summit, Kawenata Awards, schools of Tikanga development, Kuratahi (Kura Reo & Kura Paepae), schools for te Reo development and other programs.

These roles will be supporting the strategic focus on Taonga Tuku iho and connecting iwi programs and requires the successful applicant to have fluency in te Reo Māori and Mātauranga Maniapoto.
For further information including job descriptions, please contact Christine Beach, Human Resources

Manager – or 027 276 0087
APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Friday 28 April 2023 at 5pm.
Please submit your cover letter and CV through Seek.

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